Favorite Fall Candles

I always get asked what my favorite candles are for every season and I thought it would be fun to share my favorite for Fall! I've listed all of them below. Also, I have personally lit ALL of these candles... yes, I am a little candle obsessed. If you have any other Fall favorites... let me know! I would love to try them :) Bath & Body are the only candles I cannot link, the other ones are linked!

Bath & Body Works: Marshmallow Fireside (favorite - normally stock up), Fresh Balsam (favorite - normally stock up), White Eucalyptus & Sage, Pumpkin Pecan Waffles, Toasted Coconut Mocha, Leaves, Flannel (more of a masculine scent), Fall Farmhouse (new! burning this one as I type), Mahogany Teakwood (more of a masculine scent - think A&F), Palo Santo, Cozy Cashmere (new favorite), Sweater Weather

Target: Pumpkin Spice, Vanilla Pumpkin, Woodland Trail, Autumn Bliss

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Capri Blue: Frosted Fireside, Havana Vanilla, Crystal Pine, Pumpkin Dolce

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Kirklands: Sunday Brunch, Maple & Mahogany, Farmhouse Bakery, Pumpkin Coconut, Cinnamon Sugar, White Burch & Vanilla

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Again, please let me know if you have any other favorites :))))


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